Competing without scoring
In discussing how to make the club more “user friendly” the committee have decided to offer members the option of asking for their photographs to be assessed by the judge without being scored.
We suspect our newer members in particular may find it daunting to have their work scored against the very strong pictures the more experienced members submit. Also, visitors, who are potential members, may be put off by the competitive element.
All you need do is submit your images as usual and let the record keeper, usually Renee Holmes, know prior to the start of the meeting that you don’t want your work scored. She will mark the score sheet and advise the judge when your pictures are presented. Even the judges might relax more when they don’t have to rank an image!
Another option to keep in mind ...
All members are assigned a mentor when they join. The mentors are there to help, so we urge you to approach your mentor for a personal review of your images or for that matter, anything to do with your photography. You and your mentor can decide when and where to meet.