Inter-club competitions
Eastern Suburbs Camera Club has joined with various other clubs over the years to engage in friendly competition. This database records the scores for our members all the way back to 1984.
Currently ESCC is involved in two inter-clubs per year. In April it is a three way competition between ESCC, Brighton Church of Christ Camera Club and Port Adelaide Camera Club. In August we compete with Edwardstown Photography Club.
Images for both Inter-club competitions are selected by the Committee from members entries in recent club competitions for both print and digital images.
Rules for inter club competitions
Rules for competition with Brighton CCCC and Port Adelaide CC. This will download the three-way score sheet.
Rules for competition with Edwardstown Photoraphy Club. This will download the two-way score sheet.
Banner image: © David Hein “Mount Agung”.
© David shetliffe, “the water is flowing”.